Did you know the Alongsiders pairs receive a new comic almost every month? 

In this module you will learn about the 3 year comic book Discipleship Curriculum that we have developed for the Alongsiders to use with their little brothers and sisters.

This discipleship curriculum has been carefully designed especially for vulnerable children and youth by an expert team of people led by Dr. Hitomi Gray. Each comic comes out of the stories of everyday struggle in the lives of children and youth themselves.

In this video you will learn how to train the Alongsiders Group Leaders (once every four months) so that they can take the comics back to their group and train the Alongsiders. Each Alongsider will then go through the comic with their little brother or little sister. Watch the video now to learn more:


In Luke 4, Jesus comes out of the desert full of the Holy Spirit and He proclaims that his mission on earth is to bring "Good News for the Poor" (Luke 4:18). 

In Alongsiders, we believe that Jesus does indeed bring Good News for the Poor. Each of these comics is full of God's good news. Of course, the news that Jesus died on the cross for each of us is very good news indeed. But Jesus also brings good news in contrast to the lies that the poor are told. For example:

  • In Lesson 1 the world tells us we are only loved if we are good, or rich, or a boy. But the good news from God is that we are loved no matter what.
  • In Lesson 2 the world tells us that God is far away. But the good news from God is that He is close and wants to have a relationship with us.
  • In Lesson 3 the world tells us that other people can hurt us and there is nothing we can do. But the good news from God is that we are all children of God and we have a right to be safe.
  • In Lesson 4 the world tells us that we are shameful sinners. But the good news from God is that God can free us from sin and offers forgiveness.
  • In Lesson 5 the world tells us that corruption and injustice will never change. But the good news from God is that His Kingdom is coming.
  • In Lesson 6 the world tells us that our feelings are not important and we should hide them away. But the good news from God is that there are healthy ways to let our feelings out.
  • In Lesson 7 the world tells us that no-one loves us. But the good news from God is that Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for us.
  • In Lesson 8 the world tells us that selfishness is the way to get ahead. But the good news from God is that gratitude and worship will lead to joy.
  • In Lesson 9 the world tells us that the poor are not welcome. But the good news from God is that all are welcomed, especially the poor!

And that's just the Good News they will learn in the first year! As you read each comic, ask God to show you His Good News.
