In this module you will learn how to give the initial Orientation session to a group of new Alongsiders as well as introduce them to basic ways to deal with any abuse they encounter.


In this module you are learning how to equip the Alongsiders to visit and disciple their little brothers and sisters. This is at the heart of God's mission for us as Christians.

In James 1:27 we find the well-known verse, "Religion that is pure and faultless is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." There are 3 ways that visiting orphans helps us to avoid the pollution of the world:

1. The world teaches that only some people are valuable. Visiting orphans shows that God values everyone - especially the poorest, youngest and weakest.

2. The world teaches that we must earn love. But visiting orphans shows that love is freely given, nobody has to earn it. 

3. The world teaches that we cannot find God. But the Bible teaches that we encounter God when we serve and welcome the poor. Remember what Jesus said about who we are serving when we welcome a stranger or give food to the hungry (Matthew 25:31-46)?



Watch the inspiring stories of several Alongsiders.