Please review this video first.


In this module, you will need to work together with your co-leader(s) to make the final preparations for your Alongsiders movement before launching. This module has two sections. The first section is a planning form, which you will fill in and send to us. The second section is where you will download and translate the basic documents you will need.


Now it's time to have a meeting with your co-leader(s) to think about a name for Alongsiders in your local language, as well as identify the first churches and pastors you will contact.

Click the button below to fill in a simple plan to get started.


Are you ready to download the official documents for your Alongsiders movement?

Click the button to download the files then read the description for each file below. Each of these documents will need to be translated into your own language.

Name and Logo

You need to decide what your Alongsiders movement will be called in your local language. Usually people use the local words for Big Brother and Big Sister. Remember there may be others in your country who will also be implementing Alongsiders in their church networks who wish to use this name. Enter the chosen name in Question 1 of the Planning Section above. In addition, please send us the name typed in a document in your local language. We will use this name to create an Alongsiders logo and letterhead for you. You will be sent the logo after we have received the name.

Child Protection Commitment

We are committed to protecting the little brothers and sisters in your movement. Part of that protection is to ask every Alongsider to sign a Commitment when they register as a new Alongsider. The Child Protection Commitment needs to be translated into your language. Use the English version to create a local language version and send it to us before you begin contacting churches. Let us know if there are any significant changes.

Alongsiders Application Form

This is the form that each Alongsider will sign to register as an Alongsider. It has 4 paragraphs that need to be translated: Message to the Pastor, Message to the Guardian/Parents, Message to the Little Brother or Sister, Commitment from the Alongsider. Usually this is a one page document, however if you prefer to separate the Message to the Pastor, from the Message to the Parents, you can use two pages.

Letter to Parents

In some places, we have found it is helpful to include a brief letter of introduction to the parents of the little brothers and sisters, explaining the objectives of Alongsiders so they know what they are giving permission for. This is an optional document. If you would like to use it, please make any changes you want and translate into your local language.


This document contains the basic presentation in English. You can edit it for your own language and context. In the future we will have African and Indian artwork available.

In some cases, we already have translations of these documents. Please contact us to see if we have the documentation pack in your language.

For your interest, here are a few logos used in different languages and countries: