Silvia Tomarchio Photography_Taylors Hill_melbourne_silvtom67@gmail.com_AlongsidersSilviaTomarchio-44.jpg

Chenda's Story


Chenda's Story

Watch Daly and her "little sister" Monika, and be inspired by how they BOTH are transformed by this beautiful relationship.


At a young age, Monika lost her father. She struggled to make friends and keep up with the other children because of a disability. Life was a challenge.

Her neighbor Daly, a young woman from the same village, wondered how she could reach out to her community. Daly wanted to help Monika. But she didn't know how. 

Then one day, everything changed. Daly heard about a new youth movement. She decided to become an Alongsider...

Silvia Tomarchio Photography_Taylors Hill_melbourne_silvtom67@gmail.com_AlongsidersSilviaTomarchio-44.jpg




The deepest need of any human being is the need to be loved. As Mother Teresa said:

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is truly the most terrible poverty."

In the developing world there are millions of marginalized children. Their deepest, most heartfelt need is to be loved, welcomed and encouraged to be all that they were made to be.

Yet this is perhaps the hardest need of all to meet...

For love cannot be bought or traded, pressured or forced.
It can only be offered freely.

We equip compassionate young people in non-Western nations to walk alongside those who walk alone: to mentor and encourage the most 'at risk' children and orphans, in their own communities.

In this way, thousands of children throughout Asia and Africa have been impacted by the care of their Alongsider.

We are seeing emotional, social, and educational transformation. We are witnessing a movement of one generation impacting the next.

Now, many of the first "little brothers and sisters" have grown up and become Alongsiders as well as leaders in their communities.

Join us in walking alongside those who walk alone.


Measurable Impact

Measurable Impact


We wanted to know if the Alongsider mentors are truly having a measurable impact in the lives of their "little brothers and sisters". So we engaged an external evaluation team. They interviewed more than 330 young people, including children from the same communities who do not have an Alongsider mentor (the "control group"). The results amazed us...